Wilcox History 1780 to 1932
JACK SEABORN WILCOX'S ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS From *Thomas Wilcox (Wilcock) & Mary (Circa.1790) including Jack's father, George Seaborn Wilcox (1873 -1915) until the death of Jack's mother Constance Navena (Venie) Wilcox (1932), George Seaborn's wife. * Sidney Wilcox in his notes to Alan Wilcox said our earliest known ancestor was a Joseph Wilcocks & a Jennings woman but documents show that it was Thomas Wilcocks and Mary (surname unknown) and that he was a tanner not a tailor.
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Discharge Papers of Private Thomas Wilcox. Served from 1808 to 1816, was 5 foot 6 inches with brown hair, grey eyes & fair complexion. His trade was Fellmonger (a dealer in hides or skins, particularly sheepskins)
Wilcox History – Thomas to George Jnr. (a timeline with world history notes)
From the earliest known up to the death of Constance Navena Wilcox (Venie), George Seaborn's wife.
Early history The tradition of the family is that they were *1 "Huguenot"of the name Villon", silk weavers from Lyons in France. Then they settled in Spitalfields, London where the
Silkies congregated. At end 17th century Hugenot's migrated from France See footnote No 1
The name "Villon" gradually became corrupted or Anglicised to "Willox"," Willcocks", "Wilcox".
1770 Australian History Captain Cook claims Australia for Britain.
1775 The property at No 13 High Street, St Neots was owned by French Flanders, and
early last century by W. Barker, tailor and clothier, who emigrated to Australia.
Later taken over by Joseph Wilcox. See footnote 2
1788 Australian History First Fleet of convicts to Australia
Estimated native population 350,000
1791 Australian History - Australia's white population 2,873
Wilcox History
1777c Thomas Wilcocks (Wilcox),Born in St. Neots, England, a currier/tanner/ felmonger, married Mary (unknown surname), England.
He had periods of military service between 1808 & 1816 as a private soldier (from discharge papers.)
The story that he married a Jennings woman is unproven.
Had 4 children Thomas, Joseph, Mary & William
1800 Australian History - Australia's white population 5,217
1804 First steam locomotive railway in London.
1805 Thomas Wilcox born in England
1812 Joseph Wilcox born in England at Boxhill, Surrey to a Church of England family originating from St Neots, where his father had been a currier. See footnote 3
Joseph became a tailor, the leader of his calling in St. Neots. See footnote 4
1813 Australian History - Australia's white population 13,957
1813 Australian History- BlaxIand discovers a way across the Blue Mountains.
Evans discovers the Bathurst plains.
1813 Mary Wilcox born in England
1st permanent white settlement in New Zealand
1815 World History Notes - June 18, Battle of Waterloo
1815 William Wilcox born (This date has been questioned)
Family tradition is that Joseph Wilcocks, a tailor by trade, was a personal batman to the
Duke of Wellington at Waterloo. William, the third child, was born in the camp on
Waterloo day.
Documents now show that the father of Thomas, Joseph, Mary & William was Thomas Wilcocks, a fellmonger/currier/tanner, not a Joseph but as Thomas, William's father was a private soldier at that time it is possible that he served at Waterloo but it is unlikely that he was batman to the duke of Wellington.
1816 Australian History - Bank of New South Wales founded.
1817 Thomas Wilcox died. Burried at St. Mary Anglican Church, St. Neots.
1824 Australian History - Foundation of Brisbane.
1829 World History Notes Typewriter invented,
1930 Sewing machine 1st major railroad system the US
1829 Australian History - Whole of Australia claimed as British territory.
1830 World History Notes Accession of William IV.
1830 Australian History - Act establishing trial by jury in New South Wales.
Sturt explores the Murray to the sea. Perth founded.
1830 Governor Arthur's 'Black Drive' in Tasmania
1831 World History Notes H.M.S. Beagle sails with Charles Darwin
1833 Australian History - 1833: Port Arthur opens as a penal settlement in Tasmania.
1834 Joseph Wilcox, 25th May married Sarah (Sally) Emery – They had 13 children See footnote 5
Joseph was a tailor and woolen draper.
1834 Australian History - Act to establish Colony of South Australia.
1834 23 Sept. Thomas Wilcox born
1836 World History Notes Photography invented
1836 Australian History Adelaide founded. Lonsdale takes charge of the Port Phillip Settlement.
1836 Aug. 22 Mary Wilcox born
1837 31 Dec.Mary Wilcox snr. Died in St. Neots.
1837 World History Notes Accession of Queen Victoria, June 20 1837
1837 Australian History Melbourne named.
House of Commons Committee on Transportation.
Australia's white population 134,488
1838 Oct 3 George (senior) born Footnote 6
1840 Australian History Order in Council discontinuing transportation to Australia.
1840 Emery Wilcox born
1842 Susannah Wilcox born
1844 Feb. 26 William married Elizabeth Porters
1844 May 12 Joseph Wilcox born
1844 Dec. 8 Mary Wilcocks married John Busshell an inkeeper who had the Swan Inn with a mob of post horses and coaches in Leighton, Bedford. With the advent of the railway the inn drifted.
1846c John Wilcox born
1848 Oct.William Wilcox born
1849 Oct. Sarah Wilcox born
1850 Australian History Gold rush in Australia. University of Sydney founded.
Western Australia becomes a penal colony.
1850 George senior first employment See footnote 6
1852c Henry Wilcox born
1851 Australian History Separation of Victoria from New South Wales.
1853 World History Notes 1st auxiliary steam (with sail) ships. 1st Manned glider
1853 Fanny Wilcox born
1854 Australian History The Eureka Stockade.
Hobson's Bay railway built. First railways in Australia
Australia's white population 694,917
1855 Murray Wilcox born
1856 Thomas (age 22) was the first to come to Australia, to Gawler in SA.
1856 Young Joseph at age 12 was sent to George in Australia at Gawler, SA with Priscilla
Heyden who was going to Australia to marry Thomas. (Young Joseph worked for
George for 12 years.)
1857 Jan 08 Thomas married Louisa Pricilla Heydon
1857 Ernest Wilcox born
1857 Emery came out to Australia to help Thomas, sent by Joseph. However, Emery was
a drunk and made things worse.
1858 George senior (age 20) was sent from St.Neots in England to Gawler, SA see footnote 7
1858 George arrived in Melbourne by auxiliary steamer "Great Britain".
1858 George arrived in Adelaide by coastal steamer "Admella" See footnotes 8 & 9
George fired Thomas and Emery. He went into partnership with old Joseph.
1858/1859 George opened a grocery business, merging in 1860 with his father’s general
storekeeping business under the title of J and G Wilcox Merchants.
1860 George Wilcox was buying wool, skins, gum bark, wheat, flour and gold, or rather
taking these products in barter for stores and shipping them for sale to his father,
Joseph Wilcox, in England, where the proceeds were used to buy English goods for
the storekeeping business. “ - Quote from ?
1863 Australian History Australia's white population 1,259,292
1863 July Emery married Caroline Elizabeth Fairey
1863 George returned to England to find a wife. He took with him 2 cabins full of birds for sale in London See footnote 10 & 11
1864 City of Adelaide’ clipper ship launched. See footnote 12
1864 George married Annie Fuller of Manor Farm, St Neots.
1864 George and Annie Wilcox on the first voyage of the ship "City of Adelaide" to Adelaide.
1866 May 12 Edith Wilcox born at Gawler, SA
1867 World History Notes Trans Atlantic cable, 1st modern typewriter
1868 Australian History - The last convicts are transported to Australia.
1869 World History Notes Suez canal opened
1869 June 30 Susannah Wilcox married Benjanin Peppercorn
1869 Aug 25 Sidney Wilcox born
1870 Australian History - British troops withdrawn from Australia.
1870 Dec 24 Nellie Wilcox born
1872 Young Joseph bought the business from George.
1872 George Wilcox (senior) sold out at Gawler and took his family back to England with
the intention of living there.
1872 Sept. George and Annie, with Edith, Sidney and Nellie, voyaged to England on the ship "City of Adelaide in cabin 2 round Cape Horn. The passage taking 140 days to Plymouth.
1872 Mar 8 Betty's mother13 - Helena Hague-Smith "Nan" born 1872 (youngest of 9), Auckland, New Zealand See footnote 13
1873 Jan 28 or 30 George Seaborn born in Cabin 2, just off Scilly Isles on sailing ship "City of Adelaide". Birth registered at Stepney, England.
1874 George senior returned to Adelaide as he found the English climate too rigorous.
1874 or 1873 William who came to Adelaide, returned to England in 1873/74
1874 end of May Annie and 4 children (George Seaborn and elder siblings Sidney, Edith and Nelly) They returned on the same ship (City of Adelaide) to Adelaide.
On 24th August the ship went aground at Kirkaldy Beach (now Henley Beach). Passengers were floated ashore, with George (Snr) who had had arrived earlier by P&O Mail watching.
George Seaborn went to school in Adelaide.
1874 Nov 10 Murray Wilcox born
1874 George Snr. intermittently bought wool, skins, and so on for shipment to England
1876 George met William Mofflin. A partnership was entered into, and the firm of William
Mofflin and Co established, and carried on until June 1889.
1876 World History Notes Telephone invented then 1st phonograph
1876 Australian History The last full blooded Tasmanian aboriginal, Truganini, dies.
Australia's white population 2,231,531
1878 Jan 22 John Wilcox married Mary Anne Readman
1878 Sept. 18 Joseph Wilcox married Eliza Jane Mayfield in Adelaide
1880 June Mr William Mofflin sold out his half share of the partnership to Mr Glen Legoe and
Mr Sidney Wilcox. Quote from ? See footnote 14
1880 John Wilcox appointed London agent for George (then William Mofflin & Co.)
1880 Australian History Capture of the Kelly Gang
1885 World History Notes 1st practical automobile
1881 George Snr. moved the family to “Eynesbury” at Lower Mitcham.
1882 Henry Wilcox maried Edith Crowley
? to 1887 Sidney Wilcox first employment was with a firm of grocers then he entered the
services of the old Commercial Bank of South Australia. He then went into the office
of Messrs. George Wilcox & Co., and was the only clerk employed there at the time.
1885 Ernest Wilcox married Minnie Hustler
1887 Joseph retired from his shop in 1887 and it was taken by W Seward. St. Neots Chronicle
1887 Mr Sidney Wilcox entered the Adelaide branch.
1888 Fanny Wilcox married Samuel Gibson
1888 A branch of Wilcox Mofflin was opened in Sydney, and this was the beginning of a
chain of offices and branches throughout Australia. A few months later a branch was
opened in Melbourne.
1889 John moved to London. Company now called George Wilcox & Co.
George Seaborn, at age16, was put into the company, George Wilcox & Co.
In his 20's he was sent to Sydney. See footnote 15
He boarded at "Chollerton" (Malcolm's Folly) at Darling Point, Sydney. He and brother Murray ventured into brick works at Bondi. (A failure).
1890 Edith married Henry Mcrostie in SA
1893 Sidney went to Sydney, and was managing partner (of George Wilcox & Co.) there for
about 12 years. See footnote 16 & 17
1894 The title of William Mofflin & Co ceased to exist. In the same year Mr George Wilcox
retired, and gave his share of the business equally to his two sons, George Seaborn and Murray Wilcox, who had joined the Sydney staff.
1897 Apr 13 Annie Wilcox died of heart trouble.
1898 "Okinya" built at Darling Point, Sydney.
1899 George Seaborn was the largest exporter of frozen lamb in Australia.
1899 George Seaborn (age 27) married Constance Navena (Venie) Welman of Wagga (then living
with her grandmother, Martha Susannah Scriven, at Potts point, Sydney). They went
to America for their honeymoon.
1899 Murray Wilcox married his cousin Eva Wilcox
1900 Mr Mofflin acquired Mr Rickards’s interest, and traded until 1908 as W Mofflin & Co.
In the same year he converted it into a limited liability company.
1900 Border Preserving Works, founded by Mr G Wilcox, and also the Adelaide Meat
1900 George Wilcox & Co. purchased a small Canning Works at Mt Gambier, S.A. This
deal was consummated because George Wilcox & Co. were actively engaged in the
export of frozen rabbits
1900 World History Notes Kodak “Brownie” camera
1900 Aug 15 Rita born
1901 World History Notes King Edward VII from Jan 22 1901
1901 World History Notes First trans Atlantic radio signal
1901 Australian History Australia becomes a commonwealth. 1901 (May 9)
First Commonwealth Parliament opened.
1903 Aug 14 Alan born
1903 World History Notes First Flight at Kitty Hawk. First License Plates Issued in the U.S. First Message to Travel Around the World, First Silent Movie, “The Great Train Robbery”
1903 The early beginnings of the meat business which subsequently grew into a very large
factor in the total turnover of the South Australian interests of the company.
1904 World History Notes Ground Broken on Panama Canal.
New York City Subway Opens
1904 George Wilcox & Co extended their interests and opened branches at Brisbane,
Rockhampton and Townsville, and established agency relations in W.A.
1905 June 2 Vera Elsie “Poppy” born
1905 World History Notes 1st Cars in Australia.
Einstein Proposes His Theory of Relativity
1907 The Torrens-side drying yard of the firm (Wilcox Mofflin Ltd.)was completely gutted by fire.
Ventured into rural property “Bogalara” near Yass. Not a success. Sold at a loss.
1908 George Seaborn owned the “Koonamore” sheep station with 40,000 sheep. See footnote 18
1912c George Seaborn bought a single seater Renault car, 257. A rubber bulb horn, hand operated
windscreen wipers, no hood.
1909 June 14 Jean born
1909 World History Notes Plastic Is Invented
1910 Australia's white population 4,425,083
1910 World History Notes King George V, from May 6 1910
1910 Aug 25 “Betty" Norton born at Quirindi, NSW on 'Blythswood' a sheep property.
1911 June 14 Jack Wilcox born
1912 "Okinya" was extended.
1913 Business was getting difficult and George had a nervous breakdown. He and Venie
went to England to see relatives. On the way back war broke out. They returned in
the ship "Beltana", (or "Mooltan"?) via Cape Horn, South Africa.
1913 World History Notes Henry Ford Creates Assembly Line
1914 Australian History Australia's white population 4,971,778
1914 World History Notes - World War 1. Panama Canal Officially Opened
1914 to 1915 George's condition got worse on his return and he was in and out of hospital
(Venie had to have a nurse to be always with him) and felt himself too big a burden to the
family with continuous depression and worry of business and the war.
1915 July 14 or 15 George Seaborn died by his own hand. He shot himself and was found in the bedroom by Alan. He was buried in the family vault at Waverley Cemetery, Watson's Bay.
1915 July George Wilcox & Co was converted into a limited liability company.
1917 It had become apparent that if the resources of the two concerns were combined and
merged into one company, the business be more easy to conduct
1917 Sept 5 George senior died in great pain. (Phlebitis in both legs.)
1918 Nov. 11, 1918, fighting in World War I came to an end following the signing of an armistice between the Allies and Germany that called for a ceasefire effective at 11 a.m.– it was on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month
1918 George Wilcox & Co. became Wilcox Mofflin Ltd.
1918 World History Notes Electric light
Treaty of Versailles Ends World War I
1919 World History Notes Short wave radio invented
1919 Australian History Ross and Keith Smith fly from England to Australia
by airplane.
1920 Jack’s sister, Rita went to China & Japan and returned in 1921 and did medicine at Sydney Uni.
1920 World History Notes First Commercial Radio Broadcast Aired
1921 Australian History Australia's white population 5,510,944
1926 Rita Wilcox awarded Bachelor of Medicine & Master of Surgery, 24th April, from Sydney University
1927 Australian History Federal Parliament opened by Duke of York at the Commonwealth capital, Canberra.
1928 Rita married Ken Cudmore
1930 10 March Poppy married Dudley Lewington
1930 11 Oct Jean in Suffolk, England married Rodney Gardner
1929 Alan married Molly Hartland
1932 July 17 Constance (Venie) Wilcox died in England.
1932 6 Dec. Jack married Betty Norton
1 The Huguenots were members of the Protestant Reformed Church of France (or French Calvinists) from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. Since the eighteenth century, Huguenots have been commonly designated "French Protestants", the title being suggested by their German co-religionists or "Calvinists". Protestants in France were inspired by the writings of John Calvin in the 1530s and the name Huguenots was already in use by the 1560s. By the end of the 17th century, roughly 200,000 Huguenots had been driven from France during a series of religious persecutions. They relocated primarily in England,Switzerland, Holland, the German Palatinate, and elsewhere in Northern Europe, as well as to what is now South Africa and to North America. Source - Wikipedia
2 The business was then taken over by his great friend, Joseph Wilcox (1816-1894) Quote – St. Neots Chronicle
3 A currier is a person who dresses leather.
4 The leader of his tribe in St. Neots managing to get all the Gentry jobs. He specialized mainly in uniforms, livery for the Dukes of Manchester and Rutland.
5 The older Joseph Wilcox (Georges father, not brother) was very much involved in local affairs. He was a Deacon of the Congregational Church for 30 years, a member of the Committee of St Neots Gas, Light and Coke Company, founded in 1845, a member of the Local Board from 1876 onwards, and a Director of St Neots Paper Mills Company in 1888. Source – St. Neots Chronicle
6 George Wilcox, born 1838, was first employed at James Paine’s office on the Market Square at the age of 12, and afterwards served a five-year apprenticeship with S Bedells, grocers, of 9 High Street, and a year with a Leicester grocer. Source – St. Neots Chronicle
7 By about 1858 Joseph heard of this further trouble, and gave the second son, George, a free hand to go to Gawler and ‘properly clean up the job, fire Thomas and Emery, and Barker, and sell up.’
8 In 1857, at the age of 19, he sailed in the ‘Royal Charter’ to Australia and, possibly under the wing of W. Barker,and got a job as a clerk at one pound a week. In 1858 he joined a small grocery business which a year later amalgamated with an old established drapery shop. This in partnership with his father, he took over under the name of J & W Wilcox, although his father never visited Australia. Quote – St. Neots Chronicle
9 “Admella”, a vessel remembered even today by old South Australians, because she struck the rocks in 1859, and only 24 survivors live to tell the tale out of 107 people on board at the time. Steamers passed close by, but did not notice the distress signals of those on the wreck who suffered intensely through lack of food and water. Quote from ?
10 Altogether George made 13 voyages between England and Australia and was joined at Adelaide by his brother Joseph. - Quote from ?
His knowledge of the goods needed in the new colony enabled him, with the assistance of his father, to build up a large import business as well as to arrange the export of wool, hides and frozen meat to England.
In 1899 he was the largest exporter of frozen lamb in Australia. He also practised farming and in 1908 George senior and partner owned the Koonamore sheep station with 40,000 sheep. 1,000,000 acres at Mannahill Waukaringa, S.A.
11 In 1864 George made a voyage back to England, taking with him some Australian parrots,
2 emus, some kangaroos, and a pingoe (or Pinkie). - Quote from ?
12 “City of Adelaide” a 3 masted composite ship with iron frame and wooden planking, 178’ long sailed from London to Adelaide for 23 years taking passengers, but also high valued cargo such as wool..The trip usually took 90-100 days days, but for some time she held the record for the fastest trip, being 65 days. - Quote from ?

13 Norton History
14 Towards the end of 1880 he (Sidney) obtained his first employment with a firm of grocers for a few months, after which he entered the services of the old Commercial Bank of South Australia, in which he remained until 1887. He then went into the office of Messrs. George Wilcox & Co., and was the only clerk employed there at the time.
15 In his 20's George was sent from Adelaide to manage office of Wilcox Mofflin in …… Street, Sydney. Later big wool store and offices built at Glebe, then George Wilcox & Co. wool merchants.
Bought grazing property near Harden with Murray called “Bojalana”. Not successful. Sold about 1914. Started a company to make bricks at Bondi (all sand dunes in 1912) but not successful.
Very well thought of in Hide and skin trade and known as the ‘King of buyers’.
16After an absence abroad for two years Mr Sidney Wilcox returned to Adelaide, and occupied an office alongside of Mr Glen Legoe, and they proceeded to develop the big business from this end. Quote from - ?
17 Sidney is also a member of the firm of Hamilton & Wilcox Limited, owners of Koonamore Station
18 Altogether he (George) made 13 voyages between England and Australia and was joined at Adelaide by his brother Joseph.
His knowledge of the goods needed in the new colony enabled him, with the assistance of his father, to build up a large import business as well as to arrange the export of wool, hides and frozen meat to England.- St. Neots Chronicle